Egy kis nemzetközi csemege a világ 10 legjobb prezentációjáról, angolul by
Természetesen van néhány kihagyhatatlan befutó:
- Martin Luther King, 1963, „I have a dream”
- Steve Jobs, 1984, Macintosh
- Guy Kawasaki, Art of the Start, 2006
De lássuk a teljes listát… (ami a megírás óta bőven bővíthető, főként a TED-es csemegékkel)
Steve Jobs Introduces the Macintosh in 1984
Hello, Steve.

Dick Hardt and Identity 2.0
Watch fast, listen faster. You’ll know Dick.

Guy Kawasaki and The Art of the Start
Create meaning.

MLK and I Have a Dream
Let freedom ring.

Lawrence Lessig and Free Culture
Think Open.

Malcolm Gladwell and Blink
You’ll get it in an instant.

Tom Peters and a Ham Sandwich
Thriving on high energy.

Seth Godin at Google
Mark his works.

Andy Kaufman and Here I Come to Save the Day
Mighty Mouse is on his way.

Rupert Everett and Say a Little Prayer
The moment I wake up…
Rupert Everett sings I Say a Little Prayer for You in MBFW in 1997. Okay, this is just one of our favorites and isn’t exactly a „presentation.” In fact, it’s from a movie – My Best Friend’s Wedding. But isn’t a lot of what we do a „presentation” designed to persuade people to believe our story? The beauty of this one is the lead-in and then the music. Oh, the power of music. And if you haven’t seen this movie, the last scene is just fantastic.
Dr. Prezi